Sunday, 17 March 2013


Too windy today to ride, and we found such a good priced big room that we decided to put our feet up and relax. We‘ve even rented a car for three days.
We‘ll drive up to the Lassithi Plain and tour around as well as visit a few out of the way beaches that we would never get to by bike.
Car rentals are cheap here. Complete price is 20€ day. The fuel will cost more than the rental charge. We pay 1.79€/liter for reg, but diesel is 1.45€.
We‘ve stocked the fridge and shelves with enough food to last us 4 days!
I made the mistake yesterday of buying local wine at the supermarket. There‘s a spigot if you bring in your own container. We bought 1.5 liters in a used plastic water container for 2.79€.
Not bad stuff, but I feel guilty leaving wine on the table so needless to say I woke up with a headache this morning.
I think I‘ll stick to the 750 ml bottles from now on.