The pictures are uploaded and the links are now right above here. The Strava list of rides is now over on the right. Click on any day and it will take you to a list of stats for that ride and also a map.
You'll also find a location marker at the bottom of each day's post. Click to see where we are.
The rental car has been great but we find ourselves itching to get back on the bikes. We visited the Lassithi Plateau (900 meters high) and Kato Zakros (150 k's and about 1000 meters of elevation gain/loss) by car and it was great! We stopped at Vai beach, a beautiful Palm Beach and went for a walk in Zakros (Dead) Gorge where we saw a couple of different Pitcher Plants. It's called Dead Gorge because they used to bury their dead in the caves in the walls of the gorge.
Sandra was here 35 years ago when she and two of her girlfriends slept on the beach, drank all night and swam during the days! It was nice to go back and see not much has changed.
The bird picture is a Hoepoo, usually found in Africa. Too bad we found it dead on the hiway!
We'll be off tomorrow for Mali on the way to Irakilon. The weather has been cool and windy, but not raining so we'll see how it goes.