Great hike yesterday. In typical Tom & Sandra style we grabbed the bikes about 1pm after wandering the streets of Rethymnon and headed ‘down the beach aways‘
4 hours later we dropped into our room, tired and sweaty. We found a road leading out of town, and I wondered ~ is this the road to Mili gorge? It wasn‘t, but after several mis~calls and redos, we ended up at the exit to the gorge. So we set off uphill, and an hour later exited the top. Lovely walk with lots of history and springs every where. We decided to walk out the road (never backtrack when you can make a circle out of a walk) and wandered back to our bikes. A severe short climb back out, and sailed back to town and our great balcony for a beer and nuts. Finished off with a great meal in the old part of town, and then an enterprising store owner talked us into having custom ‘Tour de Crete‘ shirts made, just for us.
Traffic Jam Cretian Style |
Rythimnon |